Young lady rejoices, purchasing a new building and Benz through her successful fashion design business

8 months ago 77

A young lady and business owner celebrates the journey of her fashion design career, acquiring a new building for the store and a Benz. She shared her success story on her Instagram business page, @_lasosa.

The young lady narrated how she made the decision to move to Lekki in Lagos to gamble on herself.

Young lady celebrates as she buys new building and Benz from her fashion design business

She claims it was not easy at first, but she was passionate and excellent while doing her job so the success followed in due time.

She admits she make clothes for people all over the world and many Nigerian celebrities are also among her expensive clientele.

She wrote;

“Y’all we did it!!! We bought our very own building This is by far my biggest flex this year and I’m genuinely grateful to God for making this possible.

Reflecting on our journey since setting foot in Lagos merely a few years ago fills me with immense pride. Our expansion has transcended the boundaries of our initial visions, soaring to heights we hadn’t dared imagine. And this success story is intricately woven with threads of your unwavering support, which has been the cornerstone of our progress. Your consistent backing has propelled us forward, nurturing our growth and contributing significantly to our achievements.

The gratitude I feel is beyond words. Each step of this journey has been illuminated by the encouragement and belief you’ve shown in us. Thank you from the depths of my heart for being an integral part of this remarkable journey.”

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